CBD for Stress Relief - Does it Work?

CBD for Stress Relief - Does it Work?

Stress levels in 2020 and 2021 are higher than they’ve ever beenBut, there is good news - CBD may be a unique alternative wellness choice in helping to manage day-to-day stress and anxiety.
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CBD, a part of the cannabis plant, is widely supported by consumers for reportedly helping to soothe a wide variety of health related concerns. Initial studies on CBD are showing promise for daily things like managing stress and the way to more debilitating illnesses like epilepsy - making cannabidiol a popular option for a wide variety of consumers.

It seems like the number of stressors in everyday life is growing. In addition to the normal stress of finances, jobs, and social factors, the pandemic has added a great deal of anxiety. 

The American Psychological Association found that stress levels in 2020 and 2021 are higher than they’ve ever been.

But, there is good news - CBD may be a unique alternative wellness choice in helping to manage day-to-day stress and anxiety.

What is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found in the cannabis plant that is currently being studied and used by consumers for a wide variety of physical and mental wellness related concerns.

Stress is one of the issues CBD may be particularly helpful in treating. Here’s how it works.

Types of CBD

types of cbd

As CBD grows as a treatment, the options for CBD products do too. CBD comes in different levels:

  • Full Spectrum CBD: CBD with other cannabis compounds, including psychoactive THC
  • Broad Spectrum CBD: CBD with other, non-psychoactive cannabinoids
  • Isolate CBD: CBD without any other compounds

While finding the right CBD product and type of CBD to use is ultimately a personal decision, studies have shown that when all cannabinoids are present, like in full spectrum CBD, it creates an entourage effect making the CBD more effective.

When finding a CBD product, users should pay careful attention to the reviews and research for the brand. Some companies are dishonest or advertise inaccurate levels of CBD in their products.

How Does CBD Treat Stress?

cbd and serotonin

CBD can be ingested a number of ways and may work with the endocannabinoid and limbic systems of the brain. This is the part of the body that is responsible for maintaining homeostasis or balance in the body.

Some preclinical studies have shown that CBD may help support stress management by increasing the serotonin levels in the brain. Many prescribed medications for anxiety and other mental illnesses work to enhance the body's levels of this same chemical. Serotonin is a key hormone in the body to manage our mood and happiness levels. 

CBD can be ingested a number of ways and may work with the endocannabinoid and limbic systems of the brain. This is the part of the body that is responsible for maintaining homeostasis or balance in the body, helping to regulate stress.

Some preclinical studies have shown that CBD may help support stress management by increasing the serotonin levels in the brain. Many prescribed medications for anxiety and other mental illnesses work to enhance the body's levels of this same chemical. Serotonin is a key hormone in the body to manage our mood and happiness levels.

In fact, most prescribed medications for anxiety, depression, or stress are SSRIs or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Because of CBD’s positive influence on the body’s serotonin levels, it’s believed that the cannabinoid could be just as beneficial as pharmaceuticals for stress and mood disorders. 

More so, a number of studies suggest that CBD for stress relief is proving to be beneficial for treating stressful symptoms associated with conditions like - 

  • Anxiety
  • Panic disorders 
  • Depression 
  • PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder
  • OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder 

Through this research, experts have found that CBD is able to decrease the body’s stress response overall. It mimics the calmness, peace, and serenity that so many real-time CBD consumers have felt themselves, already. 

CBD Products That Can Help With Stress

The most effective CBD for stress relief tends to be full-spectrum in nature. That’s because full-spectrum CBD gummies and other goods contain the whole profile of plant compounds. Including beneficial terpenes, flavonoids, cannabinoids, and other phytonutrients, and essential oils. 

CBD isn’t the only compound found within hemp plants that can be stress-relieving in nature. Terpenes like linalool and limonene, are proving to relieve stress as are other cannabinoids like CBN, and THC which can be found in legal hemp products at up to 0.3%. 

Broad-spectrum CBD oil and products can also be just as beneficial for stress, as they are full-spectrum in nature however have all traces of THC removed completely. For even more relief, innovative CBD stress relief gummies are now infused with other soothing natural ingredients like Ashwagandha. 

Of course, CBD oil vs gummies work the same for stress relief. So, ingesting CBD oil orally, sublingually, or by infusing it into your everyday foods or drinks, will be just as effective. No matter how you consume CBD, it will go to work interacting with your body’s endocannabinoid system.

If you’re still wondering about the advantages and disadvantages of CBD for stress relief, let’s review a comparison of the pros and cons, next.

Pros and Cons of Consuming CBD for Stress Relief

Comparing benefits and drawbacks side by side can always give you a better perspective on a decision you may be making. When deciding whether or not to buy CBD gummies online or other CBD products for stress relief, here is a comparison that may help. 



  • Increasing research is proving CBD for stress relief’s efficacy. 
  • More research is needed to definitively conclude CBD’s effects. 
  • Simple and convenient for use. 
  • Regular use can be costly. 
  • Accurate dosing 
  • Can affect individuals differently, and not work as effectively for everyone. 
  • Very few harmful side effects and relatively safe for use. 
  • Will require some time to experiment with dosage. 

If you’re committed to seeking out natural alternatives for taming stress, CBD for stress relief gummies might just be for you. But, do they  really work?

Let’s explore that question in-depth. 

Do CBD Oil and CBD Stress Relief Gummies Really Work? 

Even with an abundance of research, consumers still wonder - does CBD really work for reducing levels of stress? When reviewing the number of successful studies, and the increasing amount of real-time reviews and recommendations, there’s no doubt that CBD is effective at relieving stress for some, or most people. 

What you should be aware of though, is the fact that CBD affects everyone differently. This is why it can take some time, self-experimenting with doses, and consistent use to begin feeling its effects. 

The way in which CBD interacts with an individual’s endocannabinoid system will depend on personal factors like - 

  • Weight
  • Tolerance
  • Metabolism 
  • And other physiological factors 

Experts recommend starting low and slow with your doses and increasing as you gauge CBD’s unique effects for you. For stress relief, a typical starting point is anywhere from 20 mg - 40 mg. 

To feel more comfortable self-experimenting with doses, know that studies have concluded amounts up to 1,500 mg daily are safe for humans. In addition, there are very few reported negative or harmful side effects of use. 

How to shop for CBD products for stress

Because it’s so important to use safe, accurately-labeled CBD products, finding the best brand is a crucial step on any CBD journey.

An excellent option for stress-relieving CBD gummies is Alchemy Naturals. The brand knows CBD, and how to make the safest, most effective, and most delicious product.

Alchemy Naturals' CBD products come in four categories: Daily, Relief, Sleep, and THC Free. Users can find their perfect fit for their stress levels and needs by navigating LA’s informative site.

For anyone looking to relieve stress, check out Alchemy Naturals' CBD products.

CBD For Stress Relief

Using CBD For Stress Relief: Final Thoughts

All in all, research and anecdotal evidence are proving that CBD for stress relief is the real deal. The latest studies show the cannabinoid is effective at reducing stress, improving moods, decreasing anxiety and even treating depression. 

One thing to keep in mind, however, is high-quality reputable brands are the best choice when purchasing CBD for stress relief gummies. So, shop Alchemy Naturals' premium collection of CBD gummies for sleep, stress, and more, available in full-spectrum and THC-free options now.